Maree Rodda

Maree Rodda

  • Maree has 25 years’ experience working within the Disability Sector

  • Citizen and Crisis Advocate

  • Individual Advocate

  • Systemic Advocacy including forums/consultation groups NDIS rollout

  • Person Centred Planner

  • Facilitator

  • Support Coordinator.


Maree has 25 years’ experience working within the Disability Sector – Citizen and Crisis Advocate, Individual Advocate, Systemic Advocacy including forums/consultation groups NDIS rollout, Person Centred Planner, Facilitator, Support Coordinator.


I love our ocean, sailing, swimming, floating, it’s my sanctuary.

All things creative and our connection to nature.

I am passionately committed to social justice, human rights and the inclusion of all people as contributing and fully participating members of our society.

What others admire about me

Approachable, open hearted and honest.

Creative energy and humour.

Optimistic, passionate, resilient.

What is important to me

My family, joy, and creativity. 

Empathic listening, communicating, learning about life and our shared humanity.

Actions that demonstrate our intentions, values, and commitment.

Embracing diversity, building inclusive communities where we are all heard, valued, and respected. 

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.