Steph Daemon

Steph Daemon

  • 10 years experience in Pharmacy


I have over 10 years experience in Pharmacy, working in roles from Pharmacy Assistant to Stock Manager. In recent years I have focused more on Marketing and Communications, working in National Communications roles, within the healthcare and the not-for-profit sector, and working strongly in advocacy and DEI best practice. 


I am incredibly passionate about advocacy and support for those who don’t feel brave enough, or don’t have ability to speak up for themselves. I love to create guidelines, practices and campaigns that speak volume and create outcomes and action, and support others in their journeys to accomplishing big things. In my personal life I am dedicated to the advocacy and support for women in the perinatal period, especially local women in my community to have access to the same level of care that women in cities would, and having options in their birthing and postnatal periods that will improve outcomes in their physical and mental health. I love to read books about women’s health, and enjoy practicing gratitude and gentle parenting. 

What others admire about me

From feedback within my workplaces, and within my community, others admire my passion and dedication to supporting those who are underrepresented, and my soft nature and deep love for newborns and mothers. Those in my life know I will do anything to support them, at anytime, and with no expectations of anything in return. 

What is important to me

As I get older, it’s important to me to align myself with people, actions and intentions that are positive and whole. 

What others need to know to support me

Be open and honest in communication, and let me know anything they are thinking or feeling, whether good or bad, I will always have time to listen to any issues arising, and work with you to resolve these without this affecting any on going relationships. I love working with people who are kind, and thankful, but also firm and can hold boundaries and deadlines. I work best with a clean desk, a candle burning and TV playing in the background!

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.