Renee Davies

Renee Davies

  • Bachelor Arts and Bachelor Business (Management)


  • Previous experience in HR management in the Construction industry
  • Personal experience with family directed and managed support for a family member
  • A number of years pre-NDIS experience supporting families with self-directed supports
  • Support Coordinator since 2019, since NDIS roll out on Sunshine Coast.


My family – My husband and 2 kids, Conscious parenting, Natural health and wellbeing, Nature, water, creeks, bush and nature walks, camping and exploring our property, our little part of the world

– growing food, creating spaces for children to play and grow, wildlife we share our property with.

Supporting people to experience a sense of purpose, reaching for potential.

What others admire about me

Calm and collected Genuine and approachable Loving and caring mother and partner Compassionate and kind High level of integrity

What is important to me

Mine and my family’s health and wellbeing. 

Healthy, tasty food, growing some of our own food.

Time with my family, Contributing and helping my children’s school/classes. 

Some time to myself


I am at my best and most effectve when I am organised. It allows me to focus and reduces the pull of distractons.

It is important to me to have people that I can run issues, questions and ideas past when needed.

What others need to know to support me

It is important to me to have people that I can run issues, questions and ideas past when needed. I like to know I have support when and if I need it.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.