Pete Sheehy

Pete Sheehy

  • Currently studying my Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Diploma in Frontline management
  • NPS certified practitioner
  • COPC vendor management accreditation
  • Bachelor of Social Science


I have grown up with disability in my family.
Most of my family have held roles in the Disability sector, and also heavily involved in advocacy. I have worked closely with and within various Disability service providers on a range of initiatives over the past 12 years. 

Over 20 years’ experience in the telecommunications industry, predominantly in leadership roles across operations, product and customer service.


  • Spending quality time relaxing and enjoying life with my family and friends.
  • Helping people and making positive contributions
  • Building, tinkering and fixing all things large and small
  • Staying fit and active – all kinds of activities from the gym, to cycling and snowboarding, to playing all kinds of sports.
  • Learning new things, also speaking to and working with interesting people on interesting things

What others admire about me

  • Passionate, grounded and respectful
  • Practical and knowledgeable
  • Willing to help out someone if ever in need
  • Motivating and willing to jump in and ‘have a go’
  • Empathetic, understanding and a good listener.
  • Treating ‘people as people’

What is important to me


Spending quality time relaxing and enjoying life with my family and friends is very important to me. Also staying healthy and active, and always having something to look forward to in life.

I like to have personal goals, both big and small, something to work towards and also celebrating the wins along the way.

I really like doing interesting things with interesting people, both personally and professionally.



I enjoy working with purpose driven people, teams and organisations. I like being involved and making positive contributions, also working towards causes and initiatives with a strong social purpose. 

Variety is important to me. Understanding that there will always be admin work to be done, though I believe it is important to also work on something you find interesting and fulfilling. 

Being respectful of everyone’s time and circumstances, and remaining open to learning new things and understanding other opinions and experiences.

What others need to know to support me

I like to work collaboratively with people, and value others opinions. I also like my own time to focus and work, and take time to recharge.

I like to be organised and schedule my days and tasks to make sure the immediate work gets done, while still working towards larger objectives and longer term goals. 

Having meetings without a purpose is often unproductive, so I would prefer to be clear about the intent of our discussions upfront. Understanding that there are times to plan and brainstorm, times to just ‘get to work’, and of course making time for a catch-up, coffee, and chat.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.