Miki Fancis

Miki Francis

  • Psychosocial Recovery Coaching
  • Entry Support Co-ordinator modules
  • Sticky Stuff – Online Sexual Health Training for Adolescents
    Positive partnership- Austism modules
  • Manual handling Certificate
  • First Aid
  • WWCC
  • Police Check


Over 8 years’ experience in disability services – including Aged care and Disability Supports.

4.5 Years Support Worker experience

Experience with behaviour support strategies and implementation


Miki loves Music – having a great love for piano playing, All things plants are a huge interest-with a history of Bush regeneration throughout the northern rivers.

Bush walking, camping, and animals are also a huge love and interest in Miki’s life.

Consequently David Attenborough is a favourite for watching on a couch potato rainy day!

Whilst raising two beautiful young boys one living with Disability the passion to support positive progress, autonomy, and life skills is a daily passion in life and work.

Being so involved has given Miki enormous insight to living with disability making it a passion to support others and make a positive difference by enriching lives.

What others admire about me

MIki is a warm, understanding and passionate person who loves working with people, and making a positive difference in others lives.

Due to her ability to be able to connect with a diverse range of people and ages she has demonstrated competence in advocating for unique needs for each individual she encounters.

Miki enjoys being a part of team and values high importance on collaboration for reaching the highest potential for positive outcomes.

She is honest, hard working and prides herself on integrity in her work.

What is important to me

Finding time to ensure my self care is prioritsed is very important to me.
Ensuring my family is happy and good nutrition is being provided for a healthy basis of life is highly valued.


I operate best in a well structured environment with effective planning and scheduling.

A clean and tidy workspace is of the upmost importance as it keeps my mind calm and focused.

Taking breaks gives me the chance to reset when stagnation kicks in at times and allows me to refresh my perception of the task being undertaken.

What others need to know to support me

What others need to know and/or do to support me: Feeling as though I am apart of a team is important to me as I feel well supported and thrive when feeling solid.

When feeling overwhelmed with a task I need at times to step back and reassess the platform of work to ensure coming back brings the best of me to tackle the task.

I take my work very seriously and really totally invest myself in all that I apply myself to. I am a little on the side of perfectionist when it comes to my work- however do not hold this expectation at all for others – Therefore it can be hard at times when things are not running smoothly.

I enjoy to check in occasionally with team members and value their experience and insight enormously. I find this one of the ost valuablke tools for learning.

When I become overwhelmed with my workload, I can become withdrawn. I am not a procrastinator therefore I will get through these moments. Feeling connected to my team really helps me.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.