
Michaela Kennedy​

  • Diploma of Disability Work
  • Trainer of Person Centred Thinking and Planning
  • Maps & Path
  • Lifestyle Planning
  • Certificate IV Training and Assessment
  • Diploma of Community Services


Over 30 years of experience in the disability sector – direct support, team leader, area coordinator, departmental manager, executive director, managing director. 

Raising a wonderful daughter – aged 25 

Managing a cookie baking business and marketing a musical duo – 5 years


Subjects I’m interested in and like to learn about: people exploring cultures and communities, social capital and enterprise, sustainable environments, social justice, Deep thinking and reflective practices, Agile/Intergral/Teal Organisations, alternative education systems, creative arts, natural healing methods, humanity’s capacity to care and the way the universe works. I read books on these subjects, watch movies and get passionate and vocal when talking about them.

What others admire about me

Energetic motivated and positive. 

A good decision maker, passionate, easy to approach, outgoing and friendly. 

Can laugh at herself, confident, amazingly dedicated, visionary and 100% focused. 

Organized, a great listener, non-judgmental, professional and honest.

What is important to me

PERSONAL: Continual learning, improving and/or moving forward, both professionally and personally. Spontaneously doing a course or getting lessons in something new.

Staying busy majority of the time, most of the time my busyness has to have a purpose and sometimes just for fun.

Being Prepared

My diary, to do lists and plans (personal ELP, Path & Map – professional Business plans, Strategic Direction) keeps me focused and on task. Being prepared and always arriving early at least 10 minutes for meetings, gatherings and an hour early for workshops. Having all my documents and calendar up to date. Everything is in my iPhone and on the computer.

WORK: Working with open and honest people who are committed to building positive relationships, working in a fun and friendly atmosphere, having a laugh, telling and hearing stories. Working with people that are passionate, have a strong work ethic and a high-quality standard to their work. Being heard and understood for my passion and determination. Working with people that are willing to listen to ideas (no matter how wacky), discuss (even if it gets a bit heated), decide on what to do and follow through.

What others need to know to support me

My love of being busy – take advantage of it but don’t abuse it. If I already look busy and you need me to do something, ask if I have time or make a time with me to discuss and work out with me what needs to be done and by when. Deadlines help me to keep commitments. Please know prompting me for what you need is helpful, you can prompt as much as you like. 

I trust people very quickly however if this trust is broken it will take me a long time to trust the person again, if ever. It is best to be honest with me even if it is uncomfortable, I prefer to work through things (rumble) and maintain the trusting relationship. I also prefer to keep talking, if you need processing time, let me know and let me know how long, because I will be worried, we haven’t sorted things out. 

When I have too many projects going at once I will get overwhelmed. At times, I will not recognize this for myself as when l have made commitments I am dedicated to honoring them. People that know me well will notice, discussing things with me and helping me to set timeframes and priorities works well, don’t tell me what to do or try to fix me. 

If I have spent more than 5 full days straight at the computer without talking to people, ask me if I would like to have lunch, tea break and a chat. A quick chat over tea will lift my mood. If I have pulled some really long hours you will need to push me a bit. 

If you are running late for an appointment, anything more that 10 minutes, just let me know (SMS or phone) so that I’m aware and not worried that I got the time or place wrong. I will do the same as I am very conscious of being on time. 

If there is tension and/or stress in the atmosphere especially when it involves me personally or the people I love or I’m working with, it will play on my mind. I need to talk things over and work things out aiming to get the atmosphere back to being fun and friendly. I am uncomfortable in these types of situations but prefer to work through them and resolve issues than continue to work in a tenuous atmosphere. 

Sometimes I talk to myself, my pets, the computer, and other objects, depending on my mood (I could be singing) or what’s going on, this might even, on occasion, turn into swearing at these objects, feel free to ask me about it, if I’m ok, but also feel free to just ignore it. 

I have a high standard of work ethics and quality of work, I will provide feedback if it is welcome and will ask permission to give it. If it is not wanted and I am concerned about the impact of low quality work on the organisation, then I will find another way to get it addressed. 

I can look like I am bored or uninterested in meetings or groups – this is not intentional, my learning style is through doing and moving. I read books by listening too them and walking. I do not do well having to read 10+ pages of black and white writing, it makes me go to sleep, or sitting and listening to people talk for more than 20 minutes ar a time. Please know if I am doodling, fitgeting, moving around – stand to sit and visa versa, or taking you for a walk while having a conversation, this is what helps me to stay focused on the topic and take in all the information.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.