Megan Schuman

Megan Schuman

  • Over 5 years experience as a disability support worker in a variety of roles
  • Lifetime of lived experience with both siblings and niece having disabilities
  • Working in aged care facility


  • Over 5 years experience as a disability support worker in a variety of roles
  • Lifetime of lived experience with both siblings and niece having disabilities
  • Working in aged care facility


My heart lies in motherhood and my children are my world. I love discussing the ups and downs of newborn and toddler life with other mothers who are also in the thick of raising their little people. 

I have a slight obsession with all things vintage/pre-loved (I think I get this from my dad – he’s a collector as well) I’ll hit the local op shops weekly and if ever out of town, a highlight is always searching through and finding cool things. I have an incredible baby/toddler vintage clothes collection.

Vietnamese food – need I say more?

What others admire about me

Meg is a dedicated and selfless individual who will always put the needs of those she loves above that of herself.

She has a quirky sense of humour and is always welcoming to all she meets. She is diligent and hard working and once set on a task, will give 100% until she has completed whatever she has her mind set too.

What is important to me

Being a present mother, prioritising the upbringing of my two boys while ensuring a healthy work-life balance.

Standing up for those who can’t do so for themselves and individual rights.

A positive environment, surrounded by supportive and like-minded individuals who share my values of compassion and empowerment.

What others need to know to support me

I value direct and straightforward communication. I appreciate people who can express their thoughts clearly and concisely. Additionally, I work best when I can focus intently and prefer structured time schedules to maintain balance and efficiency in both my home and work life.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.