Martin Byrne

Martin Byrne​

  • Diploma of Disability Work
  • Trainer of Person Centred Thinking and Planning
  • Maps & Path
  • Lifestyle Planning
  • Certificate IV Training and Assessment
  • Diploma of Community Services


Martin has been working within the disability sector for 18 years in numerous roles as Disability Employment Consultant, Support Worker, Locum Support Worker, Team Leader of Supported Independent Living, WHS & Quality Coordinator, RTW Coordinator, and Support Coordinator.


Martin is passionate about creating opportunities for people to improve their quality of life and reach their potential. Martin will advocate for people to have their choices in life. Using his learnt experience Martin will communicate with all sectors and stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes for Participants.

What others admire about me

Ability to navigate the communication difficulties between state and federally funded bodies, and between all other providers and stakeholders.

What is important to me

To support all Participants to achieve their goals, and to support them to improve their quality of life.

What others need to know to support me

Communicate honestly with me.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.