
Lynn Lennon​

  • Diploma of Counselling
  • Diploma of Management
  • Cert IV Workplace Assessment & Training
  • Person Centred Planning Facilitator
  • Holyoake Drumbeat Facilitator
  • Core Gift Facilitator


Over 25 years’ experience in the human sector services – including Out of Home Care, Family & Youth Supports and Disability Supports. 

Education and learning from the ground up – from direct care, Youth Counsellor, Family Counsellor, Program Manager, HR/Payroll to establishing a successful Disability Service within an organisation not traditionally providing these supports. 

Establishment of successful asset based projects raising revenue for charity organisations within the local community.


Gardening, gardening, gardening – did I mention gardening. Being in nature, tending to plants to enjoy their beauty and bounty brings much joy to me. 

My 2 sons bring the most passion of anything in my life, watching them grow and turn into remarkable young men, now building families of their own makes my heart sing. 

Social enterprises, enriching peoples lives, helping others to find their purpose in life, Brene Brown and her philosophy of working together in a team, ensuring employees feel valued, safe and respected.

What others admire about me

What is important to me

PERSONAL: Finding things in life that make my heart sing is something that I’ve learned to focus on as I’ve gotten older. Taking care of my health and happiness is my key to balance in all other areas of my life.

WORK: I operate best when my day is scheduled, and I know what is required of me. I need down time during the day to ground myself and refocus.

I practice and respect punctuality.

Working on projects in the work environment so will happily put my hand up for anything new, ground-breaking or innovative that will benefit the organisation.

Harmony in the workplace is an extremely important area of my work life. I strive to achieve a space for all to feel safe, secure and supported.

What others need to know to support me

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.