Kerri-Anne Hawkins

Kerri-Anne Hawkins​

  • Year 12 1991
  • Shift Manager of KFC 2 yrs.
  • AIN cert 3
  • Dementia nurse 18yrs
  • Physio aide 2 yrs
  • Dementia Map training
  • Pharmacy assistant 5yrs


Shift Manger of kfc 2 yrs
Other retail jobs
Aged care nurse Cert 3 18yrs
Physio aide 2 yrs
Pharmacy assistant 6 yrs


Gardening, growing veggies and herbs and using them in my tired little kitchen, I love Cooking and searching for good food, I have a passion to paint but haven’t found the time, walking with my headphones and just tuning out makes for a good day, My dogs and my chooks fill my day outside of work and family/friends.

Want to know more?

What others admire about me

Kerri-Anne is kind and people’s person, focused on those around her always ready to make someone laugh and forget their problems, but is always there for those who need her, her family and friends are what she adores, she is loyal and patient, and she takes pride in her home and her surroundings, always ready to cook up a treat or a meal to bring a smile. Kerri-anne works hard and when she starts something she ensures its completed.

What is important to me

Balance, to have enough, never to have none and willing to share…in all things.
To have a healthy life and nurture the women I have grown into and to enjoy the little things.

I best work when in my mind I have an idea of what’s ahead for the day and what I need to have done.
I need quietness to work well, with no little distractions to tempt me and time to get up and walk it off when I have been sitting for long periods, I’m not a chief but a willing Indian, I will do all I can to achieve all I can.

What others need to know to support me

I like to feel a part of things, but don’t do well pressured into things I feel are beyond my capabilities or interests, I work best later in the day after I have a few things done around my home or a walk to energise me and then I’m not distracted with what needs doing. 

I like to connect with people, but also work well alone. 

I enjoy new things but would rather assist than be the boss of a job or activity. Having a day end with a tidy desk and things achieved makes for a good day.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.