
Kelly Dines

  • Certificate IV Disabilities
  • Community Services Work & Mental Health (non-clinical)
  • Diploma in Mental Health
  • Diploma in Business and Management


Over 20+ years industry experience in the community services sector including a range of roles from direct support worker, family support worker, suicide prevention and education officer, service manager ,to my current role of COS with Inclusion Tree.


I work from person centered perspective that recognizes the rights of people to have choice and control over their lives and supports that they receive. I have a strong history advocating for individuals and communities while also supporting self-advocacy for individuals to bring about change.

What others admire about me

In my varied roles I have been responsible for working with and supporting individuals living with physical health, mental health, social issues as well as drug and alcohol issues. This has involved developing personalised support programs, referrals to appropriate services, advocacy, and community development.

I am highly effective in engaging clients in various community access activities and nurture partnerships with community organisations and businesses to advocate for the client’s needs and goals.

What is important to me

WORK: Working with people to have equal opportunity to make the most their lives and talents. To reflect on my practice and be open to continues improvement. 

FAMILY: including fur babies.

What others need to know to support me

In my varied roles I have been responsible for working with and supporting individuals living with physical health, mental health, social issues as well as drug and alcohol issues. This has involved developing personalised support programs, referrals to appropriate services, advocacy, and community development. I am highly effective in engaging clients in various community access activities and nurture partnerships with community organisations and businesses to advocate for the client’s needs and goals.

My professional training and development over the years has allowed me to successfully complete a Certificate IV Disabilities, Community Services Work & Mental Health (non-clinical), community mediation qualifications as well as other industry specific training i.e.: working with disengaged clients, managing difficult behaviours. I am currently completing a Diploma in Mental Health and a Diploma in Business and Management

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.