Emily Els

Emily Els

  • Bachelor’s degree in social science majoring in behavioural studies.
  • Certificate in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)


  • 5 years experience working as a support coordinator in complex mental health.
  • OOHC and complex cases


Fashion, art, music, having a good time, my friends, enjoying my life and being social.

My kids, I have 2 daughters Clover (11) and Poem (9) who are just radical little humans.

What others admire about me

Not sure, I’m outgoing, love a chat, love a good laugh and get a lot of joy out of helping people.

What is important to me

My family and my friends, living a good life, being of service to others. Building great relationships with the people that I love! Work I love my job and supporting my participants. I like working hard and helping the people I support achieve their goals and just progress in their lives. I have a lot of experience in mental health, child protection and working with multiple government interfaces. I love my job! My favourite bit is the people I meet and building good relationships with my participants. I also love making good connections for my participants by finding the right providers to suit their needs.

What others need to know to support me

Not sure, just be easy to talk to, non judgmental and open to sharing info.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.