Catherine Costello

Catherine Costello

  • Bachelor of Economics (majoring in Law and Anthropology) – University of Sydney
  • Graduate Diploma (Education, Special Needs) –
  • University of Sydney
  • Various roles in the Education Sector, including:
    • Classroom teacher
    • Head of Department
    • Wellbeing and Welfare Consultant
    • Numerous courses whilst working in Education
    • including, Mental Health First Aid and LivingWorks ASIST training.


I have been supporting people with disabilities and their families in the education sector for over 20 years and since 2019 applying this skillset to supporting people with disabilities to access the NDIS and implement their packages. I work collaboratively with participants and their families, to ensure they have the supports they need.

I have experience in achieving quality outcomes for NDIS participants with a wide range of needs. This has included securing housing or assistive technology, supporting transitions in life stages, triaging of mainstream services and internal and external reviews of NDIA decisions, as well as helping participants to find creative solutions to day to day issues.


Enjoying time with family and friends, doing many different activities including getting out and about in nature. Doing my utmost to support people access the best life they can, however that may look for them.

What others admire about me

I don’t give up and I strive to ensure that people I support have what they need. I am attentive to the needs of others, as well as my own. Self-care is an integral part of caring for others.

What is important to me

Celebrating the highs and learning from the lows, and always working alongside participants to empower them to make their own choices and decisions; facilitating inclusion through difference.

What others need to know to support me

Keep communicating, keep asking questions and let me know what they need. I appreciate feedback of all kinds.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.