Blake Schuman

Blake Schuman

  • Diploma of Business
  • Cert III Individual Support (Disability)


Blake has been working within the Disability sector for 6 years in a variety of different roles. From direct support work specialising with participants with complex and challenging needs through to coordinating at a disability service provider


I’m a health and fitness fanatic for both the mind and body. From strength and mobility training through to my current focus point and passion – running. I love getting out and moving my body and feeling good. Nothing like a 15km run before the sun rises to keep my mind and body feeling sharp Outside of my fitness endeavours, my main focus in life is being a present father to my son Leo. It’s the small things with him that bring me the greatest joy. This usually involves lots of park play dates, taking him to local play group meets or just enjoying cuddling up to him at nap time that bring the most value to my life

What others admire about me

Blake is highly driven individual who strives for success in any task he puts his hand to. He is an approachable and friendly person who takes pride in his reliability and honesty, whilst being a great listener, non-judgemental and welcoming to all people he meets

What is important to me

Utilising my mental energy in an efficient and productive way is something of extreme importance to me. Doing this allows me to be at my best at all times and keeps me focused yet calm on a consistent basis Authenticity is of high importance to me and seeing others be the best version of themselves is something I’m passionate about. Just because one person’s cup is full doesn’t mean that yours can’t also be. I love seeing people creating a life worth living whatever that might be for them. Everyone’s goals and aspirations are different but as long as people are allowed to build and work towards their best version – this is something that I will support and want to help be a part of.

What others need to know to support me

I like to be efficient and productive but once I switch off for the day – I switch off. I’m an early riser and love to beat the sun up which often means by the evening I’ve used up my energy stores and will become less responsive and more focused on some personal time.

I work best when things are managed in a methodical way and value the use of checklists to allow me to tick off tasks as I complete them and remove them from my mental memory bank. I prefer to act as things arise as if I push back tasks back it can leave me feeling overwhelmed and unprepared.

I work best when things are managed in a methodical way and value the use of checklists to allow me to tick off tasks as I complete them and remove them from my mental memory bank. I prefer to act as things arise as if I push back tasks back it can leave me feeling overwhelmed and unprepared.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.