
Alexandria Brown

  • Bachelor of Natural Medicine
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours


Alexandria has been working within the health sector since 2011. She has worked on human sciences clinical trials and as a mental health outreach worker and as a project coordinator in the mental health sector. Alex worked in a program supporting people to apply for and enter the NDIS. She now works as a Support Coordinator and as a Provisional Psychologist with people on the NDIS


Alexandria enjoys connecting with the intrinsic goodness and potential in others. She has an inherent regard for the people she works with and she cares about facilitating a wholistic approach to wellness; including lifestyle/physical, emotional, and mental contributors. She loves the diversity of the human condition and appreciates differences in perception and experience of others. Alex also loves being outside and hiking or gardening, and inside reading, watching captivating series, and being with her loved ones

What others admire about me

Gentleness and humour

What is important to me

Connection, expansion, and growth towards wellness

What others need to know to support me

Giving space to be herself

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.