
Kate Johnstone

  • Bach Sci. Nursing (DIV 1)
  • Cert IV Disability
  • Grad Cert Disability Inclusion
  • Adv. Dip. Building Design
  • Cert IV in Training and Assessment


25 years working in the disability sector.

5 years working in building design.

20 years working in landscape design.

Nursery manager – propagation of ornamental native Australian plants 

 Sheep breeder


Inclusion. Having deep conversations. Learning about anything. My animals. My kids and family

What others admire about me

I am a good listener and can empathise with people. I can sit in the uncomfortable spaces and hold information for people who want to give it to me. I try and remain calm and cantered and try to surround myself by wonderful people.

What is important to me

People listening to and respecting the things I do and say. Respecting people, especially those who are vulnerable or marginalised. Speaking up when I feel as though something needs to be called out

What others need to know to support me

Have a conversation with me. I love connecting with people and nourishing my friendships. I can easily feel left out or left behind. And give me information so that I can keep on learning

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.