Kieron Johnston

Kieron Johnston

  • Certificate Children’s Services
  • Certificate lll Individual Support


I have had 12 years working with Children. Including family day care, Preschool. Oosh and Early intervention.

5 years working in aged care, including home, community and age care facility.

3 years working in the NDIS, early intervention therapy and coordination.

Lived experience with 2 of my children having been diagnosed with additional needs.


I love to look after my health, you’ll often find me at the gym or taking a walk on the beach.

I love to spend time with my 5 beautiful children, we love going to the beach, the park and going fishing.

Coffee is life when you have a big family and I can always appreciate a great coffee at anytime of the day!

What others admire about me

I’d like to think that people admire my easy-going friendly nature. People say that I am easy to talk to and a good listener.

Friends often ask me how I manage having 5 kids. I often think people admire the way I juggle life and parenthood.

What is important to me

Taking care of my family. Seeing my children happy.
Taking care of myself, creating healthy meals and going to the gym. 

I love a challenge and I tend to not give up until I have found solution.

I enjoy being in a team environment and love to learn from others around me.

What others need to know to support me

I like to be on schedule as much as possible. I like to have as much notice as I can to organise my time effectively.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.