Madeline Makim

Madeline Makim

  • Diploma of Community Alcohol & Other Drugs
  • Cert III Children’s Services
  • Holyoake Drumbeat Facilitator


I have 7 years experience in Community Services, taking on roles including Family and Youth Support Worker, Youth Employment Coach, Mental Health Case-Worker and NDIS Psychosocial Support Worker. Each of these roles involved Case Co-ordination and
strong advocacy on behalf of the people using the service. I have supported people experiencing diverse, complex barriers, primarily mental health diagnosis, psycho-social impacts, legal and family matters


I am passionate about social justice and every person’s right to live a safe life, where they are respected for the individual that they are.
I love art and anything creative. I am amazed by the beauty that can be created by anyone out of any resource. It’s incredible to me how each person can create something unique and also interpret every art piece uniquely.

What others admire about me

I am friendly, welcoming and genuinely interested in getting to know people, what their strengths are and what area they might need support with.
I’m goals-oriented and like to help people identify their values and needs.
I like to laugh and enjoy life with others but put in the hard yards behind the scenes.
I value compassion, communication and creativity and aim to live by these values personally and professionally.
I am passionate about the work I do. I advocate strongly and intentionally for those that need it and am not intimidated by red-tape, bureaucratics or the people who work to maintain them. I aim to gather all relevant information and perspectives to find a solution for the people using my services.

What is important to me

In my work life I value a role that aligns with my personal values around Social Justice, equality and compassion. I value diversity in my work environment and appreciate different perspectives.

What others need to know to support me

I can become very fixated on something I perceive as an injustice or issue, I have self-management strategies for this but sometimes may need a gentle nudge to take a break or shift focus. I am problem solving and always seeking solutions, so I like to be informed as soon as possible if goal posts change so I can conserve the energy or redirect it.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.