Leesa Morgan

Leesa Morgan

  • Diploma in Early Childhood
  • Certificate III in Early Childhood


22 years’ combined experience in client-based relations, sales, legal conveyancing and real estate.

10.5 years’ client-based experience, NSW area sales management and customer relations.

5 years Early Childhood experience, 2IC, management of staff, centre and children’s programs.

4 years volunteer market committee to help support charity Days for Girls and Canberra Circle of Women.


Golf, although I don’t get to play often enough. Creating an amazing garden and lawn that is a tranquil space to spend time in. Living on the farm in the peace and quiet, spending time with my wife, family and friends. Watching the footy (NRL).

Playing with my blind Norfolk Terrier (Obi) and taking him for walks. Meditation, reading, listening to music, being a foodie and the best Nanny Morgs to our 3 beautiful grandchildren. I get great satisfaction from helping people.

What others admire about me

My fun-loving nature, willingness to assist family and friends in any of life’s obstacles that occur. My honesty, empathy and generosity. A great team player as well as being able to work autonomously.

What is important to me

Being happy and enjoying life to the fullest. Spending time with the people I love. Looking after myself so I am always at my best.


I am at my best when my day is planned, organised so I get on and do what is required.

I always arrive punctually to appointments and respond to phone calls and emails promptly.

I am more than happy to help any team member who needs it. Feeling safe, secure and supported.

What others need to know to support me

Connecting with others is important to me, having open, honest and clear communication.

Having peer support while I am learning this new role.

Feeling part of a united and supportive team that are all on the same page is very important to me as I do not currently have that in my present role.

Sometimes I can become a little overwhelmed with my workload which can make me a little stressed and anxious. Supportive words of encouragement from colleagues will assist in focusing my attentions on the task at hand.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.