Jed Wright

Jed Wright

  • Over 25 years Auslan experience
  • Over 10 years experience as a NAATI Certified Interpreter
  • 5 years experience in Disability Support work with the Deaf Community


  • Over 25 years Auslan experience
  • Over 10 years experience as a NAATI Certified Interpreter
  • 5 years experience in Disability Support work with the Deaf Community


Surfing, Fishing, Health and Fitness, Food, Family, Community

What others admire about me

I love to be involved in my local community and engaging with people around me.

I work towards understanding, breaking barriers, advocating for accessibility, and generally making a positive impact in the community.

I love to facilitate for the young ones in the community to enjoy outdoor activities like camping, fishing, hiking and surfing!

I love to be fit and outdoors. Staying healthy and connected to community is key.

What is important to me

Health and wellbeing of myself and my family.
Equality, access and opportunity for everyone.
A work/life balance.

Having an opportunity to escape the routine and reset in nature. Being out in the surf or by the ocean surrenders me to the moment.

Learning is an important part of my work life. If I am feeling stuck in a role I will always look for new learning opportunities.
I operate best with a plan and accountability.

What others need to know to support me

I have 4 young boys so I can become extremely busy with family life.

While I will always put family first, my work and my personal passions are also very important. Sometimes I may just need that moment to reset and get my priorities in check.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.