Leann Wright

Leann Wright

  • Certificate IV in Mental Health
  • Diploma in Child Studies
  • Family Day Care Co-ordination Unit Training Facilitator


Early Childhood Educator
“Healthy Harold” Life Education Australia
Business owner / operator
Personal Assistant
Two years experience as an Independent Mental Health Support worker
Psychosocial Recovery Coach


I am passionate about being able to make people that I support in my work and those that I work alongside feel that they can trust me and that I am a reliable advocate for all people to feel safe and heard.

What others admire about me

I’m loyal and honest and like to be super organised . I am always one to share a great recipe, podcast recommendation or an interesting piece of information I’ve found.

What is important to me

For those around me to feel that I am a good listener and communicator . I strongly value that “we are who we are today from where we have come from”.

What others need to know to support me

Leann is always listening and learning. She is able to recall an important detail or remembers things that have been shared with her. She is observant and good at reading the room.

Leann is always prepared with an essential oil, supplement or item of use in her Mary Poppins bag. Her commitment to her health and that of her family is inspiring.

Where We Support

Inclusion Tree are a team of Disability Supporters who work with participants all across Australia through virtual and in-person means.

Talk to us about how we can best support you.